In the Press

media clippings & recordings
The Greenfield Recorder's Franklin County Home Care Corporation Section's Article

WRSI The River Dog Pause Radio Series with Dog Expert Sarah Meikle

Dog Pause Radio Segments

Enjoy the weekly Dog Pause Radio segment on WRSI The River with dog expert Sarah Meikle founder & Executive Director of Diggity Dogs Servie Dogs and River DJ Emily Bourque


TedTalk by Sarah Meikle,
founder and executive director
of Diggity Dogs Service Dogs.


“The blessing of receiving a psychiatric alert dog is so hard to put into words. During a hospitalization for my diagnosis, I was feeling desperate and desolate. A nurse recognized me and said, “How are you going to stay out of the hospital after this visit?” I replied that I wanted to stay out, but was just stumbling through life unsure of how to make that happen. The next words out of her mouth would change my life: “Did you know you could qualify for a psychiatric alert service dog?” My awe and excitement could not be contained, and soon after I discovered Diggity Dogs. To this day, I have not been admitted to the hospital. My sweet girl, Niko, works so hard and beautifully for me. While we are a new team, I cannot emphasize enough that our bond was instant and the benefit I have felt from her presence is steadfast. She is so in tune with me that even the energy I give off will tell her to alert to me! Honestly, I cannot even remember what my life was like before having a service dog. The sense of empowerment you feel with a partner by your side is indescribable. With Niko, just about everything is possible. Without Diggity Dogs and their incredible staff, my capacity to function would still be diminished. The process of preparing for Niko was informed, smooth, and simply incredible. I always felt assured with this nonprofit, even in the early stages of the process, before Niko was even born! I could not recommend Diggity Dogs more highly. To say that my life is changed or better or more worth living is just an understatement– it is all of that and so much more. If you’re feeling like I did (stuck, unsure, desolate), please consider this option. You will not regret entering this process. And trust me, this dream is so wonderful once it becomes a reality. Niko and the people who made her training possible at Diggity Dogs are truly the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

Hampshire Gazette feature article

The Hampshire Gazette Feature

Six pages of amazing content!

Including interviews with clients that have received our dogs, local fosters of our service dogs in training, detailed explanations of our programs & gorgeous photos of our training classes!


“In less than a month, my dog has already done
more for me than years of therapy and medication combined!”

– Kylie, Royce’s human
Hampshire Gazette feature article

Happy Valley Animals

Four pages of amazing content!

This in depth interview with our founder and executive director, Sarah Meikle, provides unique insights into our program, our clients’ needs and out training methods.


“Our daughter Emma received her service dog, Disco, from Diggity Dogs Service Dogs, Inc. two years ago. Having Disco in her life has been a life-changing for Emma, and we could not be more grateful for our experience with them. Diggity Dogs was friendly and extremely professional throughout the process. They kept us informed at every stage before we came to get Disco, and the week of training that they provided to Emma when we picked him up was thorough and beneficial. They have been continually available to us since that time to answer any questions, or address any concerns that we have had. Disco has been an amazing dog since he came home with us. He has flown on planes with Emma several times without incident. We have taken him on long car trips without any problems. Most importantly, he has been Emma’s constant companion for two years now. He has gone with gone with her to crowded stores, movies, even fan conventions, all places she could not go before she had him. His behavior has been perfect every time. We have had countless experiences with Disco as a family where we get up to leave some public place and people are startled to see a dog was there at all; he had been so quiet and well-behaved. Disco is also beautifully in tune with Emma. He recognizes her symptoms, and reacts to them effectively. His interactions with her are subtle, yet have proved to be wonderfully effective in promoting her ability to cope with her stressors. This has proved to be so valuable in promoting her independence and her self-reliance. In closing, we have nothing but positive things to say about Diggity Dogs. They have proven time and again to be wonderful people, and our experience with their training program has proven flawless. We would endorse them without hesitation. Should anyone wish to speak with us regarding our experiences with Diggity Dogs, we would be happy to do so.”

– Kevin

WRSI Interview

WRSI Interview

WRSI’s Monte Belmonte interviews Sarah Meikle, Founder & Executive Director

“Sarah Meikle trains her Diggity Dogs for service.  But not just he kind of service you’re used to hearing about.  Can a dog be trained to call 911 or wake you up from nightmares?  This is Lassie level service.”  – Monte Belmonte

See more at:

The Greenfield Recorder's Franklin County Home Care Corporation Section's Article

The Greenfield Recorder

Friendly with the Locals

A lovely little piece the folks over at Franklin County Home Care Corporation wrote about us for the Greenfield Recorder, a local newspaper (one of the oldest newspapers in the country!)

A small piece in The Independent, a local newspaper

The Independent

Treating mental illness with dogs!

A small piece in The Independent, a local newspaper

Press Info & Inquiries

Looking for an interview, article, some great photos of our dogs?

Just ask! Contact us anytime!

We have a huge library of old & new, high & low resolution, professional & personal images to share with you!

Look forward to hearing from you.


– Team Diggity