A Service Dog for Kadian

Hello, my name is Kadian and I am here today asking for your support and understanding. I have been diagnosed with Agoraphobia with Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Complex PTSD, Insomnia and Major Depressive Disorder.

I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks my whole life but was officially diagnosed after my son was born in 2003. This has led to many challenges in my life, but I have done my best to push through them and manage my disorders as best as I can. I have been to countless therapists and tried many different medications to help me find some independence; unfortunately none have fully worked to curb my agoraphobia which keeps me confined to my apartment. I have experienced multiple traumas throughout my life, including mentally and physically abusive relationships and losing both my parents in my early twenties. My father was my best friend and greatest support system after my mother passed, so losing him tore me apart. I’ve been unable to sustain my relationships with my two children because I had to live an hour away from their fathers’ home for consistent mental health care and could not physically get to them. Luckily I have started the healing process with them now that they are old enough to understand my circumstances, and hope to continue that process.

I have been on disability for many years now, as I cannot work. I have not gone out into the world alone in over a decade. Even when I am with someone, I suffer extreme panic attacks almost constantly every time I am out. I am lucky if I leave my apartment more than once a month. I battle my anxiety on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis but I am doing all that I can to fight through it.
I wish Psychiatric Service Dogs were more well known early in my diagnosis. They can offer so much love, support and independence to those in need. A service dog would help with so many aspects of my disorders. Some of these would include- alerting and stopping me from engaging in self-harming behaviors during a panic attack, Deep Pressure Therapy to help ground me and keep me present, giving me space in a crowded environment, helping me feel secure outside my apartment, and of course offering the love and support that a dog gives like no other animal!

I am hoping that extra support will be enough to help me claim back my independence and the person I have lost to my disabilities. I would love to be able to help others in similar situations as myself through volunteering. Agoraphobia, PTSD, Chronic Insomnia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder are overwhelming conditions. Having the freedom to be able to go out and provide support and care to others on their journey to recovery would be one small thing I could do to give back to the world.

Knowing someone has gone through a similar journey as you offers a comfort of its own that I cannot describe. I am very open about all of my disorders and have met so many who have thanked me for that because there is a stigma behind mental health conditions; I would love to do all I can to help end that and help people get all the support and care that they need.

I dream that one day, I can push a cart through a grocery store alone, or go for a walk down a trail in the woods or around the block. I just want to feel the peace of being safe in moments like those, which most people take for granted, and I can only dream of having some day.

I hope that you can help me live my dreams.

Please donate now to make a difference!

Please Note: Diggity Dogs Service Dogs Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization.  All donations are tax-deductible and non-refundable.  A receipt is automatically sent to every donor upon submitting a donation. All donations are subject to a 2.9% fee from Paypal which is deducted from your donation total.

A Service Dog for Kadian
Sarah Ostrom 100.00 USD
Kimberly McVey 50.00 USD
Total amount 150.00 USD
Target to reach 21609.00 USD

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