A Service Dog for Courtney

A Successor Dog

Diggity Dogs changed my life when my service dog, Kiera, was placed with me in 2017.

Before Kiera was placed with me, frequent episodes of syncope, over-stimulation related to autism, and severe complex PTSD and dissociative disorder symptoms were taking over my life, making it impossible for me to work, go to school, or navigate the community independently.

By alerting me to symptoms early and responding to them by doing things such as retrieving water, medications, my phone, and providing deep pressure therapy, Kiera has helped safely navigate the world. Having Kiera has given me the opportunity to do more than just survive: she’s allowed me to live independently for the first time in my life, successfully return to and graduate from school, participate in activities like nature walks and community advocacy, and just recently, begin working as an Equal Justice Works Fellow, where I advocate for others with psychiatric disabilities to get the services they need to remain in the community, just as others did for me.

Kiera has truly been my superhero, allowing me to live a life I never even dreamed possible.

As Kiera is getting older, it is now time to for her to contemplate retirement, and a identify a new canine superhero to take over the important work she’s does to support me in living my life.  Without a Diggity Dog service dog by side, I’m not sure how I would navigate basic things that I now take for granted such as safely living independently, getting through a workday, or going on nature walks without collapsing. In addition to the tasks Kiera currently helps me with, I’m hoping me new service dog will be able to help me navigate exiting buildings when overwhelmed by symptoms, so that I can continue to explore new places without feeling trapped.

I’m so excited to continue to learn and grow with my next canine superhero, so I can continue my advocacy work and go on new adventures that perhaps I can’t even imagine right now!

Please donate now to help me continue living an independent life dedicated to advocating for others in need!

Please Note: Diggity Dogs Service Dogs Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization.  All donations are tax-deductible and non-refundable.  A receipt is automatically sent to every donor upon submitting a donation. All donations are subject to a 2.9% fee from Paypal which is deducted from your donation total.

A Service Dog for Courtney
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