A Service Dog for Rakhel

Rakhel Photo

Help Rakhel get a Service Dog!

Rakhel Silverman (they/them) is a trans Disabled Jew who has dedicated their life to building a better world. They are a full time advocate for the LGBTQ+ Jewish community. They also volunteer for queer, immigration, Disability, and racial justice. Rakhel aspires to become a rabbi and create an inclusive justice-oriented Jewish community. They are so passionate about and committed to this work.

As a child abuse survivor, Rakhel’s life has been severely impacted by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. They have worked very hard for years to manage their PTSD, through medication and counseling, but they are not enough on their own. Rakhel needs a service dog to live a full and independent life. Unfortunately, service dogs cost thousands of dollars, and health insurance does not cover them.

A service dog is NOT a pet or even an Emotional Support Animal; a trained service dog is an essential part of Rakhel’s treatment plan. A service dog will allow Rakhel to do things that many people take for granted, such as going out in public, taking medications, sleeping through the night, or being in a crowded or noisy place. Each day for Rakhel is a struggle with intense panic attacks, flashbacks, and trauma nightmares. Rakhel has survived so much and is incredibly resilient, but they deserve to do more than “just get by”. They deserve to thrive.

Rakhel works each day to make the world a better place.  Can you help them afford the care they desperately need?

*Clarification: You may have previously seen Rakhel raise $12,000 via GoFundMe for a service dog. That was when Rakhel planned on training their own service dog from puppyhood. Since then, to ensure that Rakhel and their dog are as successful as possible, Rakhel has decided to instead be paired with a fully-trained adult service dog. After many attempts and false hopes with other agencies, Rakhel was accepted to the reputable program Diggity Dogs Service Dogs, and will be receiving their service dog in 2-3 years! Because this is a much more expensive process, Rakhel now needs to fundraise an additional $9,000 to cover the remaining costs.
A Service Dog for Rakhel
Funds Raised 12000.00 USD
Anonymous 2500.00 USD
Mary 500.00 USD
Venmo Donations 470.00 USD
Judi Elman 350.00 USD
206.00 USD
200.00 USD
Lydia Brunk 200.00 USD
Rebecca Helberg 118.00 USD
C Kerry 100.00 USD
100.00 USD
Austen Parrott 100.00 USD
Annie 100.00 USD
100.00 USD
100.00 USD
100.00 USD
char 100.00 USD
Tzuria 72.00 USD
Lonnie Kleinman 72.00 USD
54.00 USD
54.00 USD
Amber Powers 54.00 USD
50.00 USD
Margaret Hughes 50.00 USD
Bridget 50.00 USD
Beth Gendron 50.00 USD
Bridget 50.00 USD
50.00 USD
40.00 USD
Lauren Fine 40.00 USD
Netanya Perluss 36.00 USD
Sarah 36.00 USD
Olivia Devorah Tucker 36.00 USD
Alison Rice 36.00 USD
36.00 USD
JZ 36.00 USD
36.00 USD
Rachel 36.00 USD
Matan 36.00 USD
Nadav David 36.00 USD
Rachel 36.00 USD
Amanda 36.00 USD
Stephanie Pietrosh 36.00 USD
Julia Watts Belser 36.00 USD
36.00 USD
Kim 36.00 USD
JR 30.00 USD
30.00 USD
Kerry Isham 30.00 USD
Elizabeth 25.00 USD
Em Dombrovskaya 20.00 USD
Debra Nathanson 20.00 USD
Maureen England 20.00 USD
Danny K 18.00 USD
Shayna Tivona 18.00 USD
Hannah Barg 18.00 USD
Ilana 18.00 USD
Emily Feder 18.00 USD
Emily Becker 18.00 USD
Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus 18.00 USD
18.00 USD
18.00 USD
18.00 USD
Miriam Bernstein 18.00 USD
18.00 USD
Anonymous 18.00 USD
18.00 USD
Michaela Brown 18.00 USD
L McCafferty 18.00 USD
Anonymous 18.00 USD
Tal Frieden 15.00 USD
15.00 USD
Andrea Levinsky 15.00 USD
Mackenzie Harte 10.00 USD
Judith Stein 10.00 USD
Bmc love 10.00 USD
10.00 USD
Amber Ikeman 10.00 USD
LilyFish Gomberg 5.00 USD
Elliana F Bogost 5.00 USD
5.00 USD
Total amount 19197.00 USD
Target to reach 21609.00 USD


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