Puppy Raiser & Foster Application Form

Diggity Dogs Service Dogs are fostered by local volunteers and Five-College students while they are in training prior to being placed with their new human partners. The Diggity team works closely with all of our fosters and puppy raisers in order help them to provide the special care necessary to prepare each pup for life as a service dog. Fostering is a wonderful and enriching way to help others that also fills your life with the joy that a dog brings. Fostering also provides individuals valuable skills that can be used in many aspects of life and helps make a major impact in the life of a disabled individual in need. Upon completing the form you will be sent to an application submission confirmation page that includes link to an FAQ page for puppy raisers and a link to an FAQ page for college student fosters. Alternatively you can visit those pages by clicking the following links prior to applying: Five College Student FAQs or Puppy Raiser FAQs. If you have any additional questions, please email contactus@indogswetrust.org. Thank you! We look forward to working with you!
Upon completing the form you will be sent to an application submission confirmation page that includes link to an FAQ page for puppy raisers and a link to an FAQ page for college student fosters.  We look forward to working with you!