We Need Your Support
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a different way,
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to discuss it further.
Thank you for your time, generosity and consideration.
Items Always Needed
- Towels & Sheets: Clean of any size!
- Dog Beds & Bedding: Dog beds, especially large ones with washable covers, as well as washable blankets and comforters.
- Kongs: All sizes.
- Interactive Dog Toys & Treat Dispensers: Tug-a-jugs, BusyBuddy toys, Buster Cubes and other toys that stimulate dogs’ minds.
- Dog Crates: All sizes.
- Grooming Equipment: Furminators, brushes, clippers, non-toxic shampoos & coat conditioners.
Gift Cards, Vouchers, Certificates & Tickets
- Skymiles for applicants coming from other states
- Hotel vouchers for applicants to stay in during their training course and final assessment course.
- Rental car vouchers for our applicants coming from far away.
- Gas vouchers/cards for those coming by car.
- Tickets to field-trip destinations during training such as movie theaters, museums or other entertainment events.
Single Items Currently Sought
- Vehicle: SUV or other vehicle capable of transporting dogs